

2017-09-11 09:16:03发布 阅读量:2091

College Board官网近日放出了SAT的新的出分政策,为了让SAT能够尽快出分,2017-2018年SAT将在考试后两周公布成绩,下面我们来看看详细情况。

SAT是由美国大学委员会(College Board)主办,其成绩是世界各国高中生申请美国大学入学资格及奖学金的重要参考,它与ACT(American College Test)都被称为美国高考。2016年改革后新SAT总分共1600分,分为阅读、文法和数学三部分,写作改为选考,由ETS承担其命题及阅卷工作。但是SAT只是录取学生时参考的材料之一,不像高考一样起完全决定性的因素,其成绩有效期为2年 。


New Score Release Policies

We’re making changes to help you get scores more quickly. Here’s what you need to know about the 2017-18 school year:

October, November, December, March, and May scores from the Evidence-Based Reading and Writing and Math sections will be released about two weeks after test day. You’ll receive an email when those multiple-choice scores are ready. We’ll send your scores to colleges within 10 days after they’re available to you.

If you take the SAT with Essay, you’ll get your SAT Essay scores five days after receiving your multiple-choice scores. We’ll send score reports to colleges once all your scores are ready.

If you request a paper score report, we’ll send it once all your scores are ready (including your SAT Essay scores if you take the essay).

August and June scores may take longer—up to six weeks for all scores.

Paper Score Reports

Students who register online and wish to receive a paper score report by mail in addition to the online score report must request it when they register.

Students who register by mail and who don't have active College Board online accounts will receive paper score reports. They can also get their SAT scores by calling customer service, but there’s an additional fee.

Scores by Phone

You can get SAT scores by phone starting on the day they’re released, but there’s an extra fee.



1.  在10月,11月,12月,3月和5月举行的Evidence-Based Reading、Writing 和Math部分的考试成绩将在考试后的两周公布。在选择题成绩时发布时,你将收到邮件提醒,我们会把你的成绩公布后的十天内发送给学校。

2.  如果你同时参加了Essay部分的考试,Essay部分的成绩将在公布选择题成绩后的五天公布,成绩公布后我们会立刻将这一成绩报告给学校。

3.  如果你需要纸质成绩单,我们会在你的所有成绩公布后邮寄给你。



May 6 Test Day

Available to students beginning June 8.

Sent to colleges beginning June 7.


June 3 Test Day

Available to students beginning July 12.

Sent to colleges beginning July 11.


